
Developing on NVIDIA® Jetson™ for AI on the Edge

ROS Rviz – NVIDIA Jetson TK1

RViz is a 3D visualizer for the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework. In a lot of cases, RViz is run on a visualization workstation to monitor a robot.

However, sometimes it is useful to have RViz running on the robot itself. On the Jetson TK1 in particular this presents an issue, because running RViz causes a segmentation fault. Here’s the workaround:

The basic story is that one of the dependencies (pcre) is unhappy and needs one of the environmental variables unset. This seems to make everything happy and fluffy again.


5 Responses

  1. Hi I used the jetson tx1 with rviz and followed the above advice but still have the problem of “bus error” what should i do, i really haven’t any idea.

    1. Hey there, I tested it under the TX1 and the instructions are quite the same, the only modification would be changing “indigo” for “kinetic” since the TX1 has 16.04.
      Best regards!

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